I was born in San Juan, Argentina, July 5, 1977. From very small (since I have reason) there was in me the motivation to draw, paint, create ... many of my childhood memories are tied to the pencil, paper sheets, fibers such as color magical moments shared with them in the eternal summer naps belly ... drawing on the chilly floor of the room. The first steps of di with my first Masters: Fashion and Daniel Ernesto Diaz when he was ten. In the studio for the first time I made contact with oils, pastels, charcoal, etc.. At this time I discovered and my tendency towards the grounds "surreal", imaginary, they had to do with dreams and fantasy ... This trend continued until today. In 1997 the race start in the Industrial Design School of Urban Planning and Design Architect of course there UNSJ two years and in 1999 joining the career of Visual Arts in the Faculty of Philosophy also from UNSJ I completed three years of the degree, which gave me knowledge and experience. Since then I continue my way independently, drawing, painting, creating ...